Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Wow! What a fun two days. The kids have been beside themselves with excitment. Jack has been counting down for days now. The first thing he said to me this morning was "It's Halloween Day!" Here are some pics of our Halloween.

Pumpking carving on Tuesday night.

The finished jack-o-lanterns!

We lit them to make sure we liked how they looked. Madi's is on the left. Jack's is on the right and Drew's is in the middle--one tooth... just like him.

The boys at Daddy's work for the Halloween Parade this morning.

A couch cuddle this evening.

I say Drew could make a mean Gene Simmons next year.

The kids all ready to go trick-or-treating! Madi was a beautiful angel with maribou trim and silver accents. She looked lovely and she adored her costume. I could tell she felt super pretty. Jack told her she was the prettiest angel. Jack was Batman and he thought he was the coolest. He sang and danced the Batman song before we left our porch full costume. He also did alot of running so his cape would fly out behind him like he was flying. Drew was Superman. Jack said he was "Big Batman" and Drew was "Lil' Superman".

Madi and the jack-o-lantern she designed and carved.

Jack and his jack-o-lantern.

Drew and his jack-o-lantern. See the resemblance? Click on it to blow it up and you can see his tooth.

All the kids who went around together tonight.

The post trick-or-treating stash! Jack could hardly help himself. I told them 5 pieces each. He ate six and said, "Oh sorry mommy." Then, ate another and then another. Each time saying with full emotion..."Oh, sorry mommy." The candy-monster had taken hold of him!

This is how we handed out candy tonight with no one home to man the door. When I got was completely empty!

Madilyn thought I should NOT be a "Tired Mommy" for Halloween. She suggested I be a Rockstar and wear neat sunglasses and my "Eye tacks" so I could see. Ouch!

Madilyn is Star of the Week!

The poster she made for school.
Wish number 1 is: I wish my dad were here.
Wish number 2 is: I wish I could make my own choices.

Monday, October 29, 2007

We had fun with our VA friends!!!

Our very good friends from VA came out to see us and we kept busy from sun up to sundown! It was like we hadn't been away from each other... for almost 18 months. Here are some pics from our adventures! Thank you so much for coming out to visit!!!!

All the kids the first night we saw each other.

Drew and the sea lions.

A day at the museum!

Using your body to make the air spiral.

Our friends...happy anniversary guys!!

Madi found a ladybug.

Jack can now say he has climbed a redwood!

B is not even as tall as the cross section of the redwood tree!

The girls earned their junior ranger badge for Brownies!

Jelly Belly--Yum!

A day at the fun house!!!

The boys...aren't they cute?

A little game Drew and J had going!!!
Me (J was ther too) prior to our champagne tasting-fun!!!

What a difference a year makes!

Just reminiscing...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Drew's 1st Birthday!!!!!

The Birthday Boy!

Drew's cake and cupcake!

The party!

Drew and Mommy

Drew and Daddy (on the phone)

First taste of cake...

Drew is a big fan of cake now!

So is Sadie...

Drew liked his birthday cards the best.

Madi decorated this envelope!

I love the sweet looks on all their faces in this one.

Madi made Drew some drawings and she is showing one to him.

The next morning...Drew can face the front now!!!