Saturday, October 13, 2007

What a week!

This has been a very trying week. But, it is over and we are all truly doing great!

If my calculations are right we have spent 13 hours at the hospital over the last week! We now know that Madilyn has had walking pneumonia, which was originally thought to be an upper respiratory infection. After she finally got the right diagnosis and meds her cough completely disappeared and she seemed fully better almost overnight.
Jack was diagnosed with an upper respiratoy infection and then later in the week, poked his own eye...which resulted in it swelling nearly shut (see picture)...not to mention adding yet another Dr. appt. to an already crazy week. Poor guy!

Drew was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and I was told simply to try to provide comfort with fever meds. He was prescribed an antibiotic "just in case" because the Dr. said she couldn't get a good look in his ears and he might have an ear infection. After 3 days on the antibiotic and no break in his 102-104 fevers, we went back to the hospital. I was told he has really bad double ear infections and needed a stronger antibiotic to make any progress. I think they are getting better now, but I still see him poking in his ears and fussing a little. He'll be re-checked at his 1 yr appointment...yes, he'll be a year old on Friday!
Needless-to-say, keeping track of each child's fever, medicine schedule and basic well-being has completely exhausted me. Everyone is on the mend now and Madi returned to school on Friday. Here are some more pics of our last week.

Drew propped up...not able to get up on his own yet
Doing what he does...raiding the pantry and putting things in his mouth!

Exploring the garden...

Sweet sleep...there's nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby!

Dance, Dance, Dance...

(You make up your own caption!)

We played Cootie on Sunday and Jack won!
Jack's bat cookie...prior to the eye poking incident