Friday, December 14, 2007

Pics from dinner at the W's house last Saturday

A few from Andy's work Holiday Party...

These are late in being posted...but a few pics from last Friday's Holiday party.

Madi lost her other front tooth!

As she said...she can now sing the song and really mean it!

Friday, December 7, 2007

The tent

The kids are enjoying a small pop-up tent...lots of books have been read inside and a few naps have even been taken in there as well.

Madilyn lost a tooth

On Sunday the 2nd, Madi lost one of her top front teeth. The other is literally hanging by a thread.

Making Cookies, Reindeer and Decorating the Christmas Tree

Making cookies to send to Daddy...

The candy cane reindeer the kids made to give to classmates.

Our Christmas Tree!!!

Cousin M's 1st birthday party!

The following day we all headed to Cousin M's 1st b-day party. It was fun to share in the festivities and to see my sweet niece on her actual birthday. What a cutie pie.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Going to See Santa Claus

The day after Thanksgiving has become our traditional day to go see Santa. It has more to do with the lines being shorter at that time. However, it does give the Christmas season a big "kick off". So, we went to see Santa. Madilyn asked Santa for books. When pressed for what kind she simply said, "Any kind." Jack asked for a Woody Doll and a Batmobile. He later tried to tell me that he really meant a Batmobile he could ride in, but I told him "no dice". Isn't that a crafty little mind at work??? The kids told Santa that Drew would like an Activity Table to play with. Here are some pics from that day.

After sitting with Santa the kids did some Christmas shopping for Mommy with Papa and Zuza and then we went to the movies to see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. What a wonderful movie. We all loved it, except Tom didn't get to see much of it since he had to take Drew out.

Thanksgiving 2007

Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming Tom, Suzanne, Leigh and Ben!!! I needed the break. I needed the help. I needed the company and the change of pace. It was a magical few days for everyone.

Many, many stories were read...

There were lots and lots of cuddles...

Drew gave out lots of kisses...

Papa fed Drew alot (hear the happy sigh from Missy while typing)

Uncle Ben offered parenting suggestions...

We cheered for America's Team!

Go Cowboys!

The table set for the feast.

The moment we had all been waiting for...

The feast! Thank you Suzanne for all the wonderful food you prepared!
We went on walks...

There were bedtime snuggles...

...and bedtime snoozes...Madi's first time to sleep in the top bunk!