Friday, August 31, 2007

Andy is on his way

We said our good-byes last night. The kids were into the movie (we had a goodbye party) and that distraction helped immensely. Although, tears were shed anyway. I think, for me, the hardest part is over. The last few hours were a roller coaster of emotion and all of them raw. I've heard from many who have been down this road before. They say that saying goodbye is actually harder than being apart. The kids will struggle in the next few days and weeks when the reality starts to settle in. Madi cried a little last night at bedtime and wrote in her journal before bed. She amazes me! Andy still faces many days of unknowns. I'm sure once he is all the way to his final destination he'll be fine, but it's the string of transistions along the way that will be difficult. I will let everyone know when he is all the way there. But, our communication between now and then will be spotty at best. So, I may not know anything myself for awhile.

I can't imagine going away for four months. Aside from two rather small boxes...this is all he took! And, he worried he might have too much stuff!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Look how twirly Madi's dress is!

The guys in my life in their Disney shirts!
I think Drew looks like he is ready to punch someone!

Jack started Talking Friends

Before school

In his classroom

Jack started school yesterday. The name of his speech program is Talking Friends. He told me he was nervous right when we walked in the room. Fortunately, he knew a little girl in the class. The class consists of 3 boys and 2 girls, a teacher and an aide. When I picked him up he said, "Everybody liked my Spiderman shirt!" I was so glad he had such a great first day. Although, I overheard him telling Madi that it was fun, but they don't have any paints there. After I picked him up we went right to the BX and got him a school backpack. He picked one with a motorcycle on it. He is so proud of being in school, of having a school backpack and of how he can put it on all by himself. He can't wait until tomorrow...when he gets to go back to school. He has asked me at least 10 times today why today is not Thursday.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday...recap of the past few days

We went scooter riding and Jeep driving Saturday. Andy really wanted to do that once more before heading out. Check out that hill Madilyn is zooming down!! She fell at one point...jumped up and said, "I'm okay!". Andy and I looked at each other in stunned silence...what, no drama!?

Jack REALLY likes Madilyn's new scooter. He thinks of any reason he can to ride it. My heart hurts for him. It's so hard not being the oldest sometimes.

The kids and I went to church on Sunday with a friend. They enjoyed it and I did, too. Doesn't Drew look suddenly older in this picture? He is getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth. We've even seen him scoot his knee once of twice. I wouldn't call it crawling yet...but there is progress. And, teeth! But, we're moving on to table food. He is thrilled with all the new flavors!

Sunday, Madilyn became a Brownie. She had a special ceremony where she "Bridged up" from Daisy Scouts. We're so proud of her and excited for her! I am going to be pretty involved this year as the Treasurer. Get ready for nut sales this fall and cookie sales this spring.

Madilyn's first three days of school have been wonderful. She is making friends and likes her teacher. She even asked to have someone over to play today after school. We'll work that out for sometime next week. Being in school all day is exhausting though. She is really, really tired when I pick her up. She had a mild meltdown this afternoon. I had her lay down in her bed to read books...where she promptly fell asleep. After her hour-long nap she had her wits about her again.

Jack starts Talking Friends tomorrow. That is the name for his Speech program. He is excited. Madilyn was telling him everything that he might get to do and how much fun he was going to have. What a great big sister. Drew and I plan to hang out at Starbuck's for those 90 mins. I've promised to hold him for every single minute we're there! He loves to be held and doesn't get to be held nearly enough. The "curse" of being the third child!

And...Andy comes home late tomorrow night. YEAH! Here is a pic of him in his Desert Camos .

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jack Wrote His Name!

Madilyn's First Day of First Grade

The day started off with some nerves (encouraging the silly face picture was the only way I got any cooperation in picture taking this morning), but by the time we arrived at school Madilyn was excited and ready to go. Andy met her for lunch. After going through the lunch line to get pizza, she told him with confidence, "I can do this by myself"...which we knew...but she needed to learn and feel confident about.

Andy picked her up at dimissal and took her and Jack toy shopping. She was tired after her first full day of school, but toy shopping has a way of waking up a 5 yr old! She had a great day and her teacher said very nice things about her at pick-up time. We're so glad she is having such a positive start again this year.

I love these pics of Drew

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Madilyn Met Her Teacher

We just got home from Madilyn's new school. She met her teacher (we really like her) and she also found several familiar faces amongst the first graders. We talked to the teacher about school supplies, dress code and first day routines like where to line up and hang up backpacks, etc... Madilyn was extremly nervous on the way there and for awhile after we arrived...but was almost floating as we walked back to the car. Now, we have to get organized for the first day...pack her backpack, get her school supplies ready to go, pack a snack and lunch or decide to buy lunch, pick out an outfit, etc. She told me that she has to set her alarm tonight because it's a school night! She is ready to go!!! She is growing up.

Jack loved her classroom. He kept asking me if this was going to be his classroom.

Who Built the Ark??

Jack has been running around singing the song "Who built the ark? Noah, Noah"...only his version goes "Who built the ark? No one, No one".

And he and Madi watched a Scooby Doo show today that they said gave them the "Creeks".

I love it!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Drew's new trick and Happy Anniversary to us

Last night Drew gained a new trick. He can now push up off his tummy up onto his knees and then all the way back into a sitting position! We are beyond thrilled with this new trick!!!

Today is our 13th Anniversary!!

Funny story about Jack...
He and Madi love singing their Vacation Bible School Music. Last night they did a performance for Andy and me. The song he likes most goes "He is powerful, he cured the lepers..." Because of his difficulties articulating some of the letters properly, his version sounded more like "He is powerful he killed the wepers..." It is repeating over and over in my head and each time I get so tickled I thought I'd share.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Madi's Party was a Success!

Today has been a fun, fun day! Actually, it all began about 11pm last night. I ran to the grocery and bought a carrot cake mix (Madilyn's requested flavor) and frosting as well as a giant Barbie balloon. The balloon actually sings a song...I knew Madilyn would be crazy about it! (And, she is!) I baked the cake late last night and frosted it this morning. After lunch we opened presents followed by cake and ice cream. Madilyn got 3 Berenstain Bears books and 2 Nancy Drew books from Jack and Drew. I think she is the most tickled about those books. A notable change this year was listening to her read her cards to us! Amazing!!! From Andy and me she got her same charm bracelet with 2 new charms (a jingle bell and an A-B-C) and a James Avery ring from my childhood that I have now passed down to her. The big surprise present was a Razor scooter. The minute she opened it, Jack turned to me and said "But, it's a boy's scooter!!" I caught the moment on camera! The kids enjoyed scootering around the living room and kitchen. A little later we realized that Jack believed the scooter was for him...hence the true excitement at it being a "boy's scooter". I think he figured if it were a boy's scooter, someone must've made a mistake and by default it was his. Many tears followed upon realizing that it really was Madi's present. He is now asking when he can get a scooter!

After the big party we got all ready to go swimming. We loaded up in the car only to find the battery dead. I guess the kids had left the light by the back door on and it had drained the van battery. We got it going again and all is well. (I'm very thankful that it happened now, while Andy was here to help me. I think I am going to purchase the Black and Decker in-car charger...just for peace of mind.) Our swimming trip was postponed until later and the kids have been resting.
Andy and I have spent the last hour filming him reading bedtime stories. Those will be invaluable for the kids while he is away.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The kids know Daddy is leaving

Well, we told the kids last night. Madi immediately tallied up every special event and holiday Andy will miss and then sobbed and sobbed. It sort of went over Jack's head...just like we thought it might. His hard days are ahead when he can't understand why Andy isn't here. We watched the Sesame Street video that the AF gave us and I think that helped put it on their level. They enjoyed it. (Jack keeps asking to watch it today. He calls it "Elmo's Daddy Goes to the Desert")We also bumped up the early b-day celebration for Madilyn to this weekend. It did help soften the blow and she is looking forward to presents and cake now. Currently, the kids are enchanted with the novelty that when they talk to Daddy at bedtime he'll be about to have breakfast. And, when he says "Good Night" they can say "Good Morning". So that is helping.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Andy's departure date

Well, summer is drawing to an end. Madilyn starts school in a week and Jack will start speech classes the following week. We're in major prep mode for the fall and all the changes to our family life. We haven't been communicating very well with everyone lately and I hope that once this deployment begins we'll settle into a routine which will make it easier. Maybe this blog will help everyone feel up-to-speed even if we never get into a better routine of calling and e-mailing.

Our days have been filled with numerous trips to the military clothing store to get the things Andy will need. It's difficult to find everything you'll need for new uniforms in one trip. We've stocked up on things like towels and's not unlike sending someone off to college. We'll be sitting the kids down this weekend to tell them Andy is leaving in a few weeks and then hope to soften the "blow" by celebrating Madilyn's birthday either Sunday or next a family. (She'll still have her big shi-bang in Sept with friends.)

You know in the grand scheme of life four months isn't that long. And, I know that four months at home with the kids and all their crazy, messy, cuddly chaos will seem much shorter and more tolerable than the four months alone that he will endure. I have the luxury of having the kids to help"recharge" my batteries emotionally. I surely appreciate all the attention I've recieved and all the help that awaits during the fall. I know having those spells of help will be a nice reprieve from the daily grind. But, please e-mail Andy and send him notes, etc.... I know that hearing from everyone will help him to sustain all those days in the sand! (we'll send his address to you in an e-mail)

The real news is that Andy has his departure date. He leaves CA at the end of Aug. For security reasons he's asked me not to say exactly when. It'll take him several days to get to where he is going and maybe a few more before communication is established. During that timeframe, when I hear from him, I will definitely tell everyone!

Well that is all for now.