Wednesday, April 15, 2009

CO wildlife

Monday a fox ran down the street. A few weeks ago I had to wait for this herd of deer to cross the road while driving to a friend's house at the Air Force Academy and...

this morning these two cute bunnies were nibbling away on our green grass.

The funny shoe trophy that Madi's PE teacher awards each month

Each month Madi's PE teacher awards this trophy to the class that has the highest percentage of sneaker wearers that month. Isn't this trophy a riot!!??

ABC song

Drew loves to play Dr. Seuss's ABC computer game. And, he sings along with the ABC song.


Coloring Easter Eggs...

Madilyn filled and hid eggs for Jack and Drew.

Madi found her basket...behind the green chair...

Jack's was in the oven...
Drew's was in the pantry...

Our eggs...

Checking out what the Easter Bunny brought...

Finding eggs...

Dressed for church...

It was snowing...

Easter lunch...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Madi can whistle!

She has plugged away at this for a long she can do it!

Spring Break Trip to Georgia!

The plane ride!

Nana met us at the gate...thank you Frontier Airlines!

Lots of adventures in Nana's backyard....

Checking and feeding the bluebirds

Paper Airplanes....

One-on-one instruction...

Stone Mountain

Testing out Mr. Eddie's chair...

365 degree views of Atlanta...

Picnicking at the Gristmill...

Feeding the ducks...

Riding the train...

Back at Nana's...Mandy's (the toy crab) special seat...

The Aquarium...

Downtown Decatur...

Back at Nana's...digging in the dirt...

Nana waiting at the gate with us...thank you Frontier Airlines...again

The day after we got home...blizzard!!!