Monday, January 12, 2009

Andy got home a year ago

Yep...he's been home a year! We're so glad he's home! It was fun to remember back to that night...packing the car with our posters and heading to Sacramento...we were all soooooo excited. Here are a few pics from that night.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Commissioning pics posted below

As promised...I dug up some pics of Andy's commissioning 16 years ago. I posted them a previous post.

I have to say... I LOVE my new copier/scanner/printer/fax!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Jingle Bells

Drew began singing a few weeks before Christmas. His first song was "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"....well actually Happy Birthday was his first song (the kids sing/hum it twice through while brushing their teeth). That was followed by "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed". As soon as he heard Jingle Bells it stuck and he has sung it all season. A few days ago I heard him singing "to town..." from Santa Claus is Coming to Town. It's so much fun to hear him I thought I'd post this video.

Calling Norad on Christmas Eve