Monday, November 19, 2007

Pictures of Andy


His "unpalatial" home

The sign says "Hero's Hwy"...entrance to ER

Helicopter Rides

On Sept 11th

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Friendship Feast at Madilyn's School

Wednesday the First Grade had a Potluck Family Feast.

The entire First Grade. Madi's class is in the front row.

Madi and Jack feasting.

The kids. Jack looks real enthused, doesn't he?

Madi taking Jack to play on the playground.

Jack dribbling the basketball

Madilyn dribbling the basketball

Madi learned to jump rope!!!

Jack's funny nap

A few days ago Jack was resistant to napping. After almost an hour of getting up I heard a loud bang and ran to his room to find this...

That is his hamper collapsed under him

Look at the room...that is him in the background of the pic...on his hamper.

Our friends came out to visit

We had such a great time with my friend from college, A, and her dad! Thank you so much for taking the time to come visit!!!

Madilyn, A and Drew

Madi's first Theta Kite picture (taken by Jack)

the kids, A and her dad

Big goodbye hugs!

Drew's new favorite tricks!

I'll let the pictures do the talking....

Standing Up

A little walking...with help

Raspberries and Nostrils