Monday, March 2, 2009

2 great videos!

Jack Swimming...

Drew Singing 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed with his Music Therapist...

(I'm behind him so he'll sing...otherwise he clams up)

Other fun pics and things we were doing in January and February...

A gorgeous sunset looking out our back door!

Big night out to see Flat Stanley the Musical with the kids!

The kids and I tried to go see an Academy swimmeet, only the shorthand I used in my dayplanner threw me off. What I thought said Divisional Invitational was really a Diving Invititational. Anyway, here are pics of the diving pool and 50M pool. I will swimm in the 50M pool in May for my first triathlon sponsored by the Cadet's triathlon team.

Sweet Sadie.
The kids before church.

(we're potty-training...a litlle)
A balloon-maker was at a restaurant one night and made this hat for Jack and a balloon rattle for Drew.
Jack's new (to him) Batman sweatshirt...that he wore for 3 days straight before I could wash it!
PJ party at Pre-school!
Basketball Skills Camp
After church...he learned about scrolls.
Helping Daddy shovel snow.

Morning cuddles by the fireplace.

Madi's best friend, Ashlyn. The night of Madi's first sleepover.

Madi and Ashlyn take Contemprary Dance together on Thurs.
Brownie Service Project at the Humane Society. Madi holding a bunny.
The puppy she desperately wanted to adpot.
Preparing newspapers for the animal's cages.
What a bike rider!

Two pages from a book she is writing and illustrating with four classmates.

The kids are growing up!

Yesterday we dismantled the baby crib and moved Drew to his big boy bed...the top bunk temporarily unbunked (thank you Mike for your muscles!). He loved his big bed until bedtime when he dissolved into tears. I think the older two were making such a big of a deal out of it and he missed his Fisher Price aquarium (which was quickly added back into the bed) and he wasn't sure about what to do with bedsheets that you pull over your legs. After a few minutes he calmed down and was fast asleep.

Drew's last night in the baby crib...

Sunday morning...last wake up in the crib...

Big Boy Bed Smile!
The way the boys' room looks now with the beds unbunked and the crib out.
Andy predicted that the kids would climb under Drew's bed and hide. They hadn't been up in the room 2 minutes before they started buildig a fort under there!
First bedtime tuck the big boy bed.
In addition, Madilyn no longer needs to sit in a booster seat in the car and is thrilled to rest her buns on the soft seat. Jack also moved up in booster seats...he can now use the backless kind. When we fly again, it'll be so nice to only have one carseat and one small booster to tote! We are very quickly downsizing in baby gear!