Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of School!!!

What a great first day! After a long 8 month wait (since kinder registration) Jack got to go to school! He was absolutely giddy with excitement last night and then got up at 5:30 this morning.
After a yummy hot breakfast of eggs and toast, it was time to get dressed and make sure the lunches were just right. We took lots of many that without Andy's sense of time and urging...we would've been late. We walked to school. It was 55 degrees and sunny! Glorious. Jack ran ahead most of the time...too excited to lolligag. We walked Madi over to her teacher, Mrs. Sides and she merged into the line right next to her BFF, Ashlyn. Ashlyn saw her new backpack (the same style as her's only a different fabric) and said with emotion, "Oh, it's beautiful!" Little girls are so adorable! The kindergarteners and their parents were to meet in the gym. So, we headed there next. The principals introduced themselves and then read The Kissing Hand. We kissed his had and then he kissed our hand. (It was all I could do not to actually cry.) After that, the kids went over to their teachers (Jack's is Mrs. Barr) and left the gym to begin their school day. Jack never looked back after he gave us hugs. He was ready! Andy went up to school to sit with him during lunch. The cheese and crackers were a bomb...soggy by lunchtime. He didn't seem to mind and had some friends to run around with at recess. Great, great, great! At the end of the day he came charging out happy and excited....and tired. Madilyn commented that it was so fun to actually look around and know everyone...a first for her. She was completely fascinated by the multitude of allergies suffered by classmates. She must have listed off 15 things! We are so blessed to not have ANY! She loves her planner book (3rd graders use planners to record their homework) and is super excited about the year.
The BIG kindergartener!

The 3rd grader!!!

New backbacks! (Thank you Gee Gee and Granddad!)

The whole gang!

Running ahead...

Jack and his buddies...our neighbors.

The "Jack Just Left" Cuddle...(Mommy is trying very hard not to cry)


Yes, he made friends, but cannot remember their names...

Picking our afterschool meeting spot

Walking home...