Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The kids

Well, seems like Christmas has come early here. The kids are obsessed with what they are going to ask Santa for. Drew is pretty stuck on the idea of a very big parking garage...he carries the toy magazine around everywhere and likes to tell everyone and show everyone. Madi isn't completely sure, but thinks maybe a digital camera or Polly Pockets or Littlest Pet Shop (aw...these in-between adoloscent years...big girl stuff or little girl stuff!). Jack has bounced back and forth between Lego sets, guns and knives and swords (we quickly put an end to the weapon ideas) and today he is certain he wants a jet pack with a helmet. Not just any jet pack mind you...one that has light up fingers (like Iron Man) and operates on voice control. "Wings Out!", "Up", etc... Is there anything cuter than a 5 yr old boy???