Saturday, September 1, 2007

News from Andy...

Andy has called and left several messages. I am so upset that I missed all three calls. I mean, what are the odds??!!! Anyway, he called last night (twice) and again this morning. He said he has had comfortable seats on the flight...paramount when you are 6'5"! He is doing well and I am anxious for that next call. We really miss him. Madilyn brought her toy cell phone in the car today and made several calls to him. Tonight she had a total meltdown which I believe had more to do with him not being here than the fact that she wasn't getting ice cream for dessert. Bless her heart.

What did we do today? We got Madilyn's party invitations and goodie bag loot. She kept saying, "That was fun, Mommy!" Music to my ears. We also got Jack and Drew's Halloween costumes. Jack is going to be Batman and Drew is going to be Superman. (There weren't any little guy size Robin we opted for plan B). Madi wants to be an angel and we will order that costume in the next few days. I bet I could sew something, but since I'm not sure...I am opting for the less stressful route! We also went to the library and checked out about 40 books. The kids were thrilled and went to bed tonight with a stack of books each.

Oh, and the BIG NEWS is that Drew actually crawled a teeny tiny bit today. One or two knee scoots at a time. And, he is showing interest in getting up on his knees to reach up for things. He was really happy with himself! He just giggled and giggled!! This is such great progress!!!