Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jack Funnies

1) Last week Jack was in trouble for what began with him spraying water in Drew's face and refusing to give up the offending toy without first testing me and the limits. He was sent to his room...things escalated and he started yelling "I hate you mommy" and "You're the worst mommy I ever had". Andy came home after about 10 mins of him yelling. He went up to talk to him and Jack told Andy that he was in trouble b/c of and only b/c of the water incident. Andy suggested that he was also in trouble for yelling mean things at mommy. He said he didn't say those mean things. Andy questioned again and he again said he didn't say them. Andy suggested that either he was lying or mommy was lying. Andy asked him one last time, "Who do you think is lying?" Jack pondered for a minute and answered, "I think I'm lying."

2) In the morning it's often chilly in the house b/c we leave the windows open...we have no A/C. Jack was sitting around in his undies prior to getting dressed for the day. Suddenly, he got goosebumps. He yelped, "I'm cold! I have the chicken prickles!"

3) Yesterday Andy sent Jack downstairs to wait for him and asked him to count to 100. (Jack has absolutely no patience.). So, Andy overhears him counting at one point and he is around the number 30. About 5 seconds later Jack yells, "I'm done Daddy. I counted to 100." Andy said, "No, you didn't. You were just on 30. You must've said 29-30-100". Jack emphatically replied, "No I didn't! I said 30-31-32-33-100."

Life is never dull with Jack!