Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday...recap of the past few days

We went scooter riding and Jeep driving Saturday. Andy really wanted to do that once more before heading out. Check out that hill Madilyn is zooming down!! She fell at one point...jumped up and said, "I'm okay!". Andy and I looked at each other in stunned silence...what, no drama!?

Jack REALLY likes Madilyn's new scooter. He thinks of any reason he can to ride it. My heart hurts for him. It's so hard not being the oldest sometimes.

The kids and I went to church on Sunday with a friend. They enjoyed it and I did, too. Doesn't Drew look suddenly older in this picture? He is getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth. We've even seen him scoot his knee once of twice. I wouldn't call it crawling yet...but there is progress. And, teeth! But, we're moving on to table food. He is thrilled with all the new flavors!

Sunday, Madilyn became a Brownie. She had a special ceremony where she "Bridged up" from Daisy Scouts. We're so proud of her and excited for her! I am going to be pretty involved this year as the Treasurer. Get ready for nut sales this fall and cookie sales this spring.

Madilyn's first three days of school have been wonderful. She is making friends and likes her teacher. She even asked to have someone over to play today after school. We'll work that out for sometime next week. Being in school all day is exhausting though. She is really, really tired when I pick her up. She had a mild meltdown this afternoon. I had her lay down in her bed to read books...where she promptly fell asleep. After her hour-long nap she had her wits about her again.

Jack starts Talking Friends tomorrow. That is the name for his Speech program. He is excited. Madilyn was telling him everything that he might get to do and how much fun he was going to have. What a great big sister. Drew and I plan to hang out at Starbuck's for those 90 mins. I've promised to hold him for every single minute we're there! He loves to be held and doesn't get to be held nearly enough. The "curse" of being the third child!

And...Andy comes home late tomorrow night. YEAH! Here is a pic of him in his Desert Camos .